Untangling healthcare insurance: Bluestone blog coming soon

Insurance can be complicated. That’s why we believe in transparency and communication above all else. As well as always being on hand to bust jargon, solve riddles and answer any ‘what-on-earth?!’ questions for our clients, we want to help untangle the world of healthcare insurance for all, so that everyone can be more aware of what they have, what they need and how they can get it.

With more than 20 years of combined experience, we think we’re pretty well placed to do it too. So standby for posts on the following topics and, in the meantime, get in touch to hear more about our services.

  • The impact of technology on healthcare

  • How to adapt your business and keep employees happy

  • How to leave a company and take your benefits with you

  • How to secure coverage when you’ve been denied elsewhere

  • Travel insurance vs. international healthcare insurance

  • Mental health awareness

Sean McGeady